Profit from solid, flexible & affordable platform foundation tailored
to a whole industry with over a decade of experience.
Delight your users
Best practice UX from over a decade of experience
Intuitive & flexible search options
Real time prices & availabilities
High performance application
Top notch usability on all devices
Enrich your business
Cuting edge travel platform
Short time 2 market processes
Affordable & conversion optimized foundation
Maximum flexibility to extend your platform over time
Optional features like whitelabeling for multi- language & market
Perks of our technology
Load-stable system development
Scalable architecture
Years of experience in the leading JavaScript technologies
A/B and multivariance testing
Rule-based whitelabeling from a single code base
Our TravelSandbox® at a glance
Be flexible in terms of product sources
We designed the TravelSandbox® with flexibility in mind. This does not stop at the high degree of customizability.We have followed the needs of the market and made it possible to connect product sources of any type.
Product types.
Possible sources.
Any other
Manage your content easier than ever. With the native support of our freshMS you are able to manage
your on page marketing activities in a convinient way without the need of confusing CMS backends.
Benefit from live prices and availabilities for your offers and schedule your promotions as you like. Learn more about freshMS
Get a
The TravelSandbox® is designed to be your quickstart foundation to guarantee
a short time to market process. If you want to, it’s of course possible to extend the
base with custom features and general modifications to get the perfect solution for your business.
And to be sustainable and flexible it doesn’t matter on which product or content sources you rely.
Flexible connection and control of supply sources. Fusion provides a structured data format for all data sources. For more flexibility and independence.
Non-bookable content for your e-commerce platform. migthyC controls content from content providers and from imports, also in combination. For more differentiation and emotional selling.
A complete internet booking engine with individual user interfaces. Quickstart frontends are 100% responsive and work for web, Android and iOS, for multiple brands and markets. For more points of sale and central booking processes.